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Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!

Cryo Protective Clothing

Cryo Protective Clothing

Cryo Protective Clothing

Product characteristics:Ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen protective clothing is made of anti-low temperature conforming material, which can effectively resist the ultra-low temperature of - 400 C......


Product details

Product characteristics:

Ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen protective clothing is made of anti-low temperature conforming material, which can effectively resist the ultra-low temperature of - 400 C. It is suitable for people working in extreme cold environment to wear. Usually used in laboratory, anti-liquid nitrogen spatter, ultra-low temperature grinding, frozen food processing and other extreme cold environment.

Product characteristics:

  1. Low temperature resistant conforming material, low temperature resistant up to - 400 C; 2, support customization; 3, easy to wear and flexible. 4. EU CE certification;

Product parameters:



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