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What is the inspection work of liquid nitrogen tank before use?

Add time:2019-07-01 17:44:48 Views:1379 times

 A number of checks are needed to ensure that the liquid nitrogen tank is used more smoothly.

(1) Pre-use inspection

1. Check whether the shell has dents or not.

2. Check whether the vacuum vent is in good condition.

3. Check whether there are foreign bodies inside the tank.

4. Check whether the inner gallbladder is corroded.

(2) Inspection in use

1. When using liquid nitrogen tank, check whether it is a new tank and whether it is pre-cooled.

2. When filling liquid nitrogen, we should pay attention not to pour liquid nitrogen on the vacuum exhaust port, otherwise the vacuum will decrease.

3. In order to prolong the service life, the wear of the cap plug should be checked.

4. Always check whether there is frost on the exterior, especially on the inner wall of the neck canal. If this happens, liquid nitrogen should be removed and melted naturally.

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