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Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!

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Ten things you should know about liquid nitrogen tanks

Add time:2019-08-21 08:32:51 Views:1470 times

 Ten things you should know about liquid nitrogen tanks

1. Nitrogen is an inert gas, which can replace oxygen in the air. Therefore, do not install and use liquid nitrogen tanks in closed areas. It must be stored in a well-ventilated place.

2. Always ensure that all safety valves are in good condition. They prevent overpressure and explosion of liquid nitrogen tanks.

3. Nitrogen is a cryogenic liquid stored in a vacuum insulated tank. Protect liquid nitrogen tank from corrosion environment to avoid external corrosion.

4. Regular inspection and maintenance of liquid nitrogen tanks are very important. Consult the nitrogen supplier who has installed tanks in your area. They know the jar better than you do.

5. Comply with local regulations applicable to liquid nitrogen tanks. Some regulations may require complete fencing of liquid nitrogen facilities with only one access door.

6. If you plan to install a new liquid nitrogen tank, be sure to install it in enough space for refilling in the tank transportation area. Tank trucks are usually used to transport liquid nitrogen from producers to a number of customers on the same day.

7. Do not overfill liquid nitrogen tanks. It is better to point out the minimum and maximum levels on the level gauge as guidelines for refilling and reordering.

8. Provide adequate and appropriate safety instructions for the facility. Don't forget to write down the emergency telephone number next to the facility.

9. Don't let the level in the tank be less than 5 inches. This is very important for keeping the vacuum of insulating tank.

10. It is important to indicate whether the valve position is open or closed. Clear labels are used for this purpose. Provide complete instructions on the liquid nitrogen tank, and clearly explain what to do in case of failure.

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