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Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!

Industry News

Notes for Liquid Nitrogen Tank

Add time:2019-07-01 17:40:09 Views:1377 times

 Liquid nitrogen tank can be generally divided into two kinds: liquid nitrogen storage tank and liquid nitrogen transport tank. Storage tanks are mainly used for static storage of indoor liquid nitrogen. They are not suitable for long-distance transportation under working conditions.

1. Liquid nitrogen is a cryogenic liquid (-196 C). If it splashes on the skin, it will cause frostbite similar to burns. Therefore, special attention should be paid to filling and removing liquid nitrogen. 2. Because of the large heat of liquid nitrogen tank, when filling liquid for the first time, the heat balance time is longer. It can be pre-cooled by filling a small amount of liquid medium (about 20L) before slowly filling. Man (so it's not easy to form ice jams)

3. When not in use for a long time, make sure to open the vent valve, so as to avoid the damage of the container caused by the increase of nitrogen pressure caused by the long-term closure of the valve.

4. Long-term storage of liquid nitrogen room should be ventilated and ventilated.

5. The self-pressurized liquid nitrogen tank is mainly used for transportation and storage of liquid media. It can also be used as a cold source for other refrigeration devices. The container consists of inner liner, outer shell and instrument valves. The upper part of the tank has pressure gauge, which can conveniently observe the pressure of inner liner. Safety valve is provided to improve the safety of the container.

6. In order to reduce the wastage of later filling, please refill the liquid when there is a small amount of liquid in the liquid nitrogen tank. Or fill the liquid within 48 hours after using it.

7. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the liquid nitrogen tank, the container can only be filled with liquid nitrogen.

8. Water and frost on the outer surface of liquid nitrogen tank are normal phenomena during infusion. When the booster valve is opened for boosting operation, because the booster coil is attached to the inner wall of the outer cylinder, the heat of the outer cylinder will be absorbed to vaporize when the coil passes through the liquid to achieve the purpose of boosting, and there may be spots of frost on the outer cylinder. After closing the booster valve, the frost will slowly disperse. When the booster valve is closed without infusion, there is water and frost on the outer surface of the container, which indicates that the vacuum of the container has been destroyed and the container can not continue to use. Professional manufacturers should be sought for repair or scrap treatment.

9. If the liquid nitrogen tank is not used for a long time, please drain and blow dry the liquid medium inside the tank, then close all valves and seal them. Before filling liquid medium in liquid nitrogen tank, dry air must be used to blow the tank and all valves. After the pipeline is dried, liquid medium can be filled. Otherwise, the pipeline will be frozen and blocked, which will affect boost pressure and infusion.

10. This equipment belongs to the category of instruments and meters. It should be handled lightly when used. When opening the valves, the force should not be too large or too fast. Especially when connecting the metal hose with the joint at the intake/discharge valve, it should not be tightened too tightly with great efforts, so that the joint can be sealed slightly in place, so as to avoid tilting the nozzle. Even screw, screw with one hand to hold the valve body.

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