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Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!

Cryo Cosmetology

500ML Cryotherapy apparatus

Add time:2019-08-22 11:03:11 Views:1542 times
500ML Cryotherapy apparatus

Product characteristics:

The liquid nitrogen instrument consists of a cold head, a transfusion tube and a liquid nitrogen cup. It is formed by the evaporation pressure of liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen enters the cold head from the liquid nitrogen cup through the transfusion tube to achieve the effect of freezing.


1. According to the actual needs of the cold head.

2. Open the liquid nitrogen cup and pour four fifths of the liquid nitrogen into the part.

3. Processing time, just press the thumb hole of the switch, liquid nitrogen comes out first, and can be processed.

4. If frost is not found on the frozen head (without holes), no liquid nitrogen (with holes) is sprayed. Please check if the lid is tightened.

5. According to the size of the lesion, choose the appropriate frozen head and screw it on the outlet of the therapeutic device. Place the frozen head on the lesion until the skin is frozen white for about 2-3 seconds at a time. Repeat 1-2 times. Causes abnormal cells to freeze, scab and exfoliate. Normal cell growth.

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